Feral Cats
Wild Dogs
Rats and Mice


Foxes can be found in a wide range of habitats; including both bush and urban areas.   A typical fox density is four foxes per square kilometre; this means that within a radius of two kilometres there can be 50 foxes.  Fox numbers can be as high as 16 foxes per square kilometre in urban Melbourne. 

Foxes are declared a pest animal under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 (Victoria).    Landowners are legally responsible for foxes on their properties and required to prevent the spread of, and as far as possible, eradicate any foxes on their property. 

Foxabbit can provide a number of fox control services.


Trapping - Soft catch traps are positioned on your property to catch any foxes present.  A Foxabbit representative will monitor the traps on a daily basis.  The typical trapping program is 14 days.  Ideally, a trapping program should take place twice a year - during the mating season (Jun - Aug) , and during the dispersal period when young foxes are leaving the natal den (Feb - May) ; to ensure that fox numbers are minimized.  Foxabbit has Ministerial Approval to conduct trapping programs in Urban Areas



Fumigation - Dens should be fumigated whenever any activity is noted.  Commonly, dens will be in use from late August - December during the breeding season.  Foxes will re-open old den sites no matter what has been done to them in the past as foxes prefer to use dens with a family history.  Foxes will have at least four natal den sites chosen for cubing, if one site gets too dangerous for the cubs the foxes will shift the litter to a safer den site.   After fumigation, the den sites are then checked a fortnight later to ensure that they have not been reactivated.


Baiting - 1080 baits are buried on your property.  Foxes are inquisitive animals and will dig up and eat buried baits.  Burying the baits ensures that non-target native birds and animals will not accidentally take the baits.  Some sites will require a free feed period to assess if non-target species are in danger of secondary poisoning.  Bait sites are checked regularly by a Foxabbit representative.  All baiting programs must must comply with government regulations for the use of 1080.  The regulations do not allow baiting programs to occur in urban areas.


Shooting - Rural properties are usually also suitable for controlling foxes by shooting.    Foxabbit can provide spotlighting (night time) and fox whistling services (daylight).

Fox control needs to be ongoing as foxes are very mobile and will move into any territorial vacuum.  The most effective fox control will involve an integrated program using a combination of control methods as no single control method will provide effective long-term control.

Fox reproduction chart

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Copyright © 2007 Foxabbit Feral Pest Eradication
Last modified: March 06, 2016